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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Benefits of Developing Modern Technology in Everyday Life, Along with the development of an increasingly advanced era, technology is also growing very rapidly. The development of modern technology year after year has always led to new innovations that can support and facilitate human work.

The results of the development of these technologies have many benefits that can be enjoyed by humans, ranging from vehicles, communication equipment, to household furniture. Modern technology is certainly very helpful in the process of work, therefore modern technology has been applied in industry, agriculture is also education with the aim of helping the economy of society.

Here are some of the benefits of the development of modern technology as a support in facilitating activities for everyday life:


Now this communication tool can be classified into primary needs, because with the existence of these communication tools, we can easily provide or obtain information.

The development of communication tools is increasingly diverse, the results of the development of modern technology that we use most often to communicate are cellular phones. Mobile phones are also growing very rapidly now.

If in the past we were only able to make phone calls and send short messages, but now with the presence of a smartphone we not only can make calls or receive and send short messages, but everything can be done through the smartphone.

We can make calls while looking at each other face or often called a video call. There are also various kinds of applications sending messages that are very simple and also we can move on social media.

The features offered by this smartphone are very diverse, ranging from relatively sophisticated cameras, video players to watching movies, games and the latest applications that keep coming. Supported by internet technology, smartphones are not only used to communicate but can be used to study, work and shop.


Transportation tools do not want to miss the progress and development of current technology. Various transportation tools also evolved into tools that were very different from those previously used. If in the past the transportation equipment used to use a pet or an outdated machine as a driver so it requires a very long travel time.

With the development of modern technology today, transportation is now becoming more developed, for example, cars that have used the latest engines and equipped with a direction or GPS. Even trains that used to operate using coal as fuel, now using electric power, even many fast trains even soon the train will operate without using a machinist.


The industrial sector includes a part that experiences changes in a more modern direction in order to support the productivity and performance of its employees. In the past, using manual machines that were used using human power is now developing with computers, production can be done automatically because it is regulated by computer systems that facilitate production in the industry.


In the past, agricultural production relied heavily on season, livestock and human labor, but along with the development of modern technology, agriculture also developed. With the presence of modern agricultural tools such as planters, seedlings to harvesting tools that can facilitate the work of the farmers.


Education today cannot be separated from modern technology, starting from the internet, computer devices, electronic books, projector devices and much more. Modern technology makes the world of education easier to find information.

The difficult information that we had to get from books and sources, now we only need to look for it through search engines using the internet. Computer devices have also begun to be used for examinations in several schools and universities.

In several universities and universities, there are several departments related to technology such as robotics, social communication, bioinformatics, graphic design and many more.

Media Information

Media information develops along with the development of time like print media, if in the past the print media was highly anticipated by everyone to read information every day, but now print media is replaced by online media.

Because of the increasing use of smartphones, computer devices and the internet, which makes it easy to find information and news, the print media continues to survive and there are still many people who read information from print media.


Just like other industries, music must also follow developments because if it is not consumed by time. Starting from LPs, tapes, video disks until now that have used digital files.

This certainly makes the music industry players switch to digital platforms, because they are aware that if they do not follow the development of modern technology, perhaps the music industry will be lost in the era.

Selling albums or single songs is now done through a digital platform and physical sales may be rare or only certain collectors are still loyal to physical albums.